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Spiritual Strongholds and Addiction: Patterns, Progression, and...

This article considers spiritual strongholds, their involvement in addiction, and principles for addressing them.

Preventing Future Generations From Harm

The most recent data available shows that 105,000 people died of an overdose in the past year. These numbers are so overwhelming they could render us hopeless.

Bondage and Freedom: The Heart of the Addiction Journey

Bondage and Freedom: The Heart of the Addiction Journey...

Family Patterns and Generational Dysfunction: Understanding In...

Addiction is one of the most misunderstood diseases in the Church. For years, we have stigmatized those with substance use disorder with little understanding of this chronic, relapsing brain disease.

Shame, Addiction, and Recovery: Patterns, Issues, and Strategie...

Addiction is notoriously resistant to change. It produces a vicious cycle of self-destructive behavior with spiritual, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral fallout.

Catch it, Challenge it, Change it: Cognitive Behavioral Strate...

At an eating disorder clinic in Wickenburg, Arizona, I first heard the phrase catch it, challenge it, change it. In the cold desert outskirts of Wickenburg, I was there supporting my wife, Jennene, through a 45-day inpatient stay.

Facing the Truth and Finding the Light

When you hear the word addiction, what comes to mind? A substance? A repeated bad behavior? Being stuck? In the counseling world, we usually think it refers to repeated behavior driven by a craving or compulsion that is destructive.

Why They Do What They Do: The Connection Between Addiction, Att...

Addictions manifest themselves in a multitude of ways. There are substance addictions, like drugs, alcohol, and food, and process addictions, like gambling, sex, and relationships.

Co-dependency and Dependency: Signs, Issues, and Challenges

The biblical admonition to “love your neighbor as yourself” presupposes you first know and have the capacity to love yourself. A dependent person, or someone diagnosed with dependent personality disorder (DPD), does not have a healthy sense of self.

Meaningful Relationships and the Search for Significance

We had just stepped onto the platform in the Rose Garden Arena in Portland, Oregon, where nearly 10,000 people had assembled for a mega marriage seminar.

Imaginary Lovers: The “Porndemic” Promise of False Intimacy

The “porndemic” is upon us. Increasingly high numbers of Christians, including pastors, are testing positive for the deadly virus of pornography, which promises an escape from the pressures and struggles of life and relationships.

Partnering with Parents when Treating Anxiety

While anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issue facing children, many parents bring them to therapy convinced they have a behavior problem—not a mental illness.

STOP DIGGING THE HOLE: Identify Unhealthy Habits that Intensif...

Doug did the same thing every morning. His routine included a series of ingrained habits that he had never even considered trying to change.

Five Steps to Creating More Peace and Less Burnout in Your Life

Are you craving a little less burnout and a whole lot more peace in your life? The key to creating more peace is knowing your limits and then following through on setting personal boundaries.

Chaotic Connection: When Mental Illness Strikes in Marriage

Let’s take a look at two different scenarios: 1) You’re at dinner with your spouse who gets a strange look on her face and indicates something is wrong. Concerned, you ask questions… but her situation becomes worse with labored breathing and pain.

Money and Marriage: Working Together for Positive Results

When my wife, Sharon, and I were first climbing out of bankruptcy, there was no radio show or multimillion-dollar business. There was just me at a card table in my living room, selling self-published books… and sometimes out of the trunk of my car.


The American Association of Christian Counselors