Cancellation Policy for Christian Care Connect

Thank you for subscribing to Christian Care Connect (CCC). If, for any reason, you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we invite you to carefully review our Cancellation Policy.

Cancellation Policy

No subscription payment made to Christian Care Connect (CCC) will be refunded. However, you can cancel your subscription anytime. Once your subscription is canceled, your CCC benefits will expire at the end of your pay period. Customers may still use CCC’s benefits until that time has expired. Once the cancellation month expires, customers will no longer have access to CCC’s benefits.

Some things to consider before canceling your subscription:

  1. How much traffic is your page getting?
  2. Did you know 1 referral could pay for up to a year’s value of your subscription?
  3. Speak with a team member to see how we can update or freshen up your profile.

Cancellation Process

To cancel an existing subscription, you can:

  1. Notify Us
    a. Please contact us via email or phone to start the cancellation process
    i. ( and (1-800-526-8673)
  2. Cancel from your Account page on website
    a. Once cancellation is complete, you will receive an email notification confirming your cancellation