
Chaotic Connection: When Mental Illness Strikes in Marriage

Let’s take a look at two different scenarios: 1) You’re at dinner with your spouse who gets a strange look on her face and indicates something is wrong. Concerned, you ask questions… but her situation becomes worse with labored breathing and pain.

Money and Marriage: Working Together for Positive Results

When my wife, Sharon, and I were first climbing out of bankruptcy, there was no radio show or multimillion-dollar business. There was just me at a card table in my living room, selling self-published books… and sometimes out of the trunk of my car.

Do No Harm: Parenting through Divorce

Susan was too young when her parents divorced to have any recollection of them ever being together. Nevertheless, she was sure that her parents being together was a bad idea.

Money Matters in Marriage

“No, really, go ahead, order whatever you want,” I told Leslie. We were sitting in an upscale restaurant celebrating a special occasion early on in our marriage and perusing the menu when she said something about the seared ahi tuna looking pretty good.

Crucial Money Habits for a Happy and Healthy Marriage

It is probably no surprise that one of the most common issues couples argue about is money. Unfortunately, money fights can cause marriages to break down, and they are consistently a leading cause of divorce.

A Loveless Marriage: When the Fire Burns Out

For people who enjoy camping, sitting around a fire at night is the ultimate way to close out the day. Building a campfire that will last requires a good foundation of kindling and firewood.


The American Association of Christian Counselors