• Guide for use
  • Test Questions
  • Demographic Information
  • Your Results

Guide for use

The Brief Pornography Screener was first used in 2017 and has now been tested in several clinical trials on adults.

The patient marks the boxes. The completed test is scored – giving… 0 = never, 1 = sometimes, 2 = frequently. Add up the scores, range will be 0 to 10.

The most optimal cut-off value seems to be 4 points.

  • Patients with less than 4 points are not likely to have a problem
  • Patients with 4 points are likely to have a problem, with about 80% confidence
  • Patients scoring above 4 points are very likely to have a problem.

If someone scores high enough to suggest there is an issue, consider moving on to test the issue using the Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale.

Based on: Kraus, S. K., Hoff, R. A., Gola, M., Kowalewska, E. and Potenza, M. N. (2018) Clinical Characteristics of Compulsive Pornography Users: A Military Sample. Presentation at the International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, 25 April 2018. Cologne, Germany.